Jobs and Communities

BC’s forests, the majority of which are publicly owned, sustain hundreds of communities and tens of thousands of jobs across the province. Although the forest sector’s relative economic footprint has lessened as other industries such as energy, tourism and technology have grown in importance, forestry remains one of BC’s largest manufacturing industries and a cornerstone of regional economies across the province.

Photo credit: Nik West, courtesy


million in public revenue was generated by the forest sector in 2023/24


Indigenous people are directly employed in the BC forest industry


of manufacturing jobs are in the BC forest sector

Sustainable Forests


British Columbia is recognized as a global leader in sustainable forest management, committed to meeting the environmental, social and economic needs of current and future generations. Canada is the international leader in forest certification with BC contributing more than any other province. Stringent forest laws, skilled forestry professionals, comprehensive monitoring, compliance and enforcement strengthen the province’s leading reputation.
Our commitment to sustainable forest management is recognized by environmentally conscious buyers of wood products and scientists alike, with third-party studies highlighting BC’s leadership in sustainable forests.

Photo credit: Nik West, courtesy


of BC's forests have been set aside for parks and other non-harvest purposes


of BC’s forests are publicly owned, allowing the Province to determine how forest resources can best be utilized for long-term benefits


of public land is harvested annually

Wood Products

A wide variety of high-quality products, including mass timber and engineered wood, softwood lumber, biomass, as well as pulp and paper come from British Columbia’s sustainably managed forests.

Photo credit: Nik West, courtesy

Key Markets

Much of British Columbia was founded on forestry—an industry that has long sustained BC communities. However, with a relatively small population, the forest sector relies on export markets to continue to support local economies and maintain BC’s global position as a supplier of high-quality, sustainable wood products.
As a Crown corporation of the BC government, FII helps to develop and diversify markets for BC forest products at home and abroad to ensure the forest sector continues to be a key contributor to the provincial economy.

Photo: GuangWuHeGu Resort | Credit: Sichuan Kaiyuan Group


billion of BC’s total commodity exports came from forest products in 2023


of BC lumber was destined for international markets in 2023


of international customers agree that BC forest products are a good choice for the environment

Our Key Markets

Erimo Pig Farm, Hokkaido prefecture | Photo: Hokkaido Chuo Bokujyo


As BC’s second-largest market outside of North America, Japan remains an important and high-value market for BC wood products.

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interior wood furniture in living room


As the second-largest exporter of furniture in the Asia-Pacific region after China, Vietnam presents exciting opportunities for the BC forest sector.

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Interior fit out of the Taj Rishikesh Hotel made from B.C. wood species, Uttarakhand | Photo: FII India.


With projected long-term economic growth and a strong appetite for wood products, India is positioned to become an important market for BC forest products.

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wooden floors and ceiling at a residential terrace in South Korea

South Korea

South Korea is a small but highly valued market for BC forest products, where Canada is well-positioned to take advantage of market opportunities, particularly in the construction sector.

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Dining room with wooden beans and furniture at a villa resort in Hui Xin, China


China is one of the world’s largest consumers of wood products and is essential to the growth and success of the BC forest sector.

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Modern wooden tree house

British Columbia

Expanding opportunities for wood use within our home province and showcasing BC’s innovation in wood construction around the world remain integral components of FII’s strategy to strengthen the BC forest sector.

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