In the initial phase of the India market development program, FII conducted extensive research to identify the markets of greatest opportunity for B.C. wood products and the marketing techniques that would be most effective in the country. This research identified the wood in manufacturing sector (WIM) as having the greatest potential. Leveraging the Canada Wood brand already established through marketing efforts in other parts of Asia was seen as the fastest way to build local awareness.

WIM is a large sector that encompasses the making of furniture, doors and door frames, windows and interior finishing products. It includes a large domestic market and a strong export sector. Combined, the sector is growing more than 10 percent per year.

Market development efforts combine product trials, commercial demonstration projects, and ongoing promotion, outreach and education.

Product trials

Through the “Try Canadian Wood” program, manufacturers use small quantity samples of B.C. wood to make furniture, finishings and other products in a commercial setting. This hands-on experience helps to eradicate misperceptions about Canadian species and their applications, while building technical skills at working with softwoods. Feedback shows that product trials are one of the most effective ways to build awareness and interest with manufacturers.

228 product trials in 67 cities since 2014

Transform Furniture

This firm started out by specializing in modular kitchen systems before expanding into cabinetry and furniture. Looking to use more sustainably sourced wood for furniture making in its new VIBE line, the company was drawn to western hemlock due to the light weight, light colour, and certified sourcing of the B.C. species.

The product trial included the design and manufacturing of chairs. The results were very well received, both in terms of the manufacturing process and the final product. Transform Furniture is now working to incorporate western hemlock into its product lines.

Photo: FII India

Minimal Stroke

Positioned in the premium furniture market, Minimal Stroke manufactures functional and high-quality furniture for indoor and outdoor segments. The company is known for a minimalist approach to design that draws on Japanese and mid-century modern elements.

Western hemlock was successfully trialed for a new sofa design, and the company now uses western hemlock in its furniture range.

Photo: FII India

Wiseart Design Studio

Wiseart is a multidisciplinary interior design, architecture and furniture manufacturer that focuses on contemporary design. The company was interested in using Douglas-fir for furniture production due to its workability, colour and strength.

Photo: FII India